Peganum Harmala (Hermal) Extracts Supplier & Manufacturer
Peganum Harmala (Hermal) Extracts Supplier & Manufacturer Peganum Harmala (Hermal) Extracts Flower Wholesaler of Peganum Harmala (Hermal) Extracts Peganum Harmala (Hermal) Extracts Manufacturer)

Peganum Harmala (Hermal)

(Herbal Extracts)
Peganum harmala, also known as Hermal, is a plant that has been used for various purposes throughout history. One of its notable components is harmine, a type of harmala alkaloid. Peganum harmala has been traditionally used in certain cultures for its psychoactive properties, and it plays a role in various religious and shamanic practices.
Health Benefits of Hermal (Peganum harmala) Extracts

If you are interested in Peganum harmala extracts as a supplier, it's crucial to consider legal and regulatory aspects in your region. Additionally, ensure that you are sourcing the product from a reputable and reliable supplier who adheres to quality standards and provides accurate information about the composition and purity of the extracts.

Herbal Creations